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Michigan Music History Podcast -- MMHP989

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Apr 20, 2023

Lane Valliere was in the hot seat as a guitarist/bassist in the '60s/early '70s Mid-Michigan Music scene, which included The Bossmen, ? and the Mysterians, The Frost, and Meatloaf. From stints with various bands, including performance on Timmothy Ward's infamous solo album Strange But True from 51 years ago, a freak...

Apr 6, 2023

Our first 'return' guest on the MMHP, Bay City, MI, Author and Beatles fanatic Kristofer Engelhardt was our first author discussion outside of Sir Fred, during Season 1, Episode 12. He was already at work on Fully Uncovered when we sat him down to talk about his books, Beatles Series and Mark Farner. Please give that...